Advice and information
We are available for any information or advice on donkeys and their welfare and we can also provide information for papers on donkeys, donkey milk or for the construction of stables.
If you are inclined to buy a donkey we can index you on the one that suits you best, we also have several contacts with farms, associations and individuals.
If, on the other hand, you already own a donkey and you have problems (for example, it gnaws wood, has abnormal behavior or you can't get rid of insects) we can help you solve them.
To contact us go to the "Contacts" section.
The consultation is totally free, disseminating useful information for the welfare of donkeys and solving the difficulties that may arise with donkeys is our only interest; for those who want, whether it is satisfied with the advice, he may make a free donation to the association contributing to the maintenance of the donkeys and the continuation of the association.

Asino Felice Italian School for Equidae Training Amateur Sports Association and Social Promotion Association organizes for its members and members: