Our animals
... and the other guests
We often host private donkeys or ponies to be cared for for physical or psychological recovery, to be cared for, trained or to participate in our courses and activities.
12 donkeys, 2 mules, 1 horse, 1 pony, 1 llama, 1 goat
Donkeys: Heidi, Aldo, Checco, Horus, Chiobbe dei Frati, Charlie, Pippo
Donkeys: Lady, Jacobe, Giorgietto, Shalimar del Guado, Pepito.
Mula Daisy, Mora mule, Roby horse, Farfui pony, Su Coccu blade, Truciolo kid.
Whole male donkey of 17 years, bay, medium size, one of the 77 donkeys of the Pantesco breed (of Pantelleria) saved from a difficult situation where he was fed on bread and lived tied to the chain in the stable, while during the day he was dragged, always with the chain tied to the neck, to a tractor to change the grazing area.
We remind you that in our association the recreational, sports and training activities are carried out with the donkeys of the school and not with Horus since the management of a stallion donkey is reserved for expert technicians.
Castrated male donkey, gray sorcino, large size, of Romagnolo breed, son of the stallion Rosmarino, the donkey was tamed to run through the poles and ride a horse, it was given to us a couple of years ago by the owner who for reasons of health could no longer take care of it.
Now he enjoys life with other donkeys and walking along the wonderful paths of our area.
Donkey teacher for students.
Chiobbe dei Frati
Amiata donkey - Coming soon photos and descriptions
Donkey gray sorcino gelding, large size, what about him ... he is a softie !! We trained him in the saddle when he was still a stallion and lived in Bolzano, over the years he has been sterilized and they gave him to us. Donkey teacher for students.
20-year-old female donkey of medium size, longhaired, very intelligent, loves to walk. Teacher donkey for students.
Heidi's inseparable friend, a 14-year-old small-medium sized gelding, is nice and playful, on his arrival he was inseparable from Heidi and was very frightened by new situations, after two years he became a super donkey who is also able to go for a walk alone and is a great friend of all children.
Donkey teacher for students.
Castrated male donkey of medium size of 9 years very alert and fast, he was saved from a bad end, he is affectionate and playful, loves horses and is the best friend of the Winni horse. Checco accompanied us on the Piedmont - Valle D'Aosta trek from Cigliano to Pont Saint Martin of 130 km in August 2017.
Donkey teacher for students.
Little gray donkey, by Michela, before coming to us she was very anxious, impetuous and bit, since she is with us instead she is very balanced and takes many peaceful walks.
Shalimar del Ford
Mini Donkey American - Photos and descriptions coming soon
Coming soon photos and descriptions
Coming soon photos and descriptions
Coming soon photos and descriptions
Mula Daisy
Mule medium size daughter of mother mare and dad donkey, she is 38 years old (30 from the booklet, due to a typo) and we recovered her in the mountains in July 2020 after a tourist report.
Given her condition of arthrosis that in some days does not help her get up and chewing problems caused by the lack of some teeth, we did a fundraiser to help us with daily expenses.
Mula Mora
Mule medium size, daughter of mother mare and father donkey, recovered in the mountains after a tourist report was donated a few months ago and we will take care of it as best we can, meanwhile it delights us with its particular verse, the "nitraglio" that begins neighing and ends braying. Her very cute ear is caused by an old bite from her mule brother when she was a little filly.
Farfui Pony
Castrated male pony, 9 years old, of Shetland breed, came to us in the fall because it was difficult to manage by inexperienced and was not suitable for children, in addition to the fact that he has a genetic defect called patellar cramp, but he has more heart than a thousand. horses and since he has been with us he has brought out a sweet and sociable character.
White Pony
11-year-old pony, after having spent a whole life without leaving her box / pen with little care, she came to us and we looked after her trying to physically heal her, improve her social skills and help her regain her mental balance.
In the photo the change he has already made in the space of a week at our center.
Horse Roby
21-year-old Quarter breed male gelding horse, super intelligent and in excellent physical shape, he spent his life bringing adults and children closer to the world of ethological riding, which ensured that he remained in excellent mental and physical health. Now he has joined us to spend the rest of his life with his family walking along the wonderful paths of our area to experience new adventures.
Master horse for students.
Lama Su Coccu
Lama bottle-fed from the first moment he was born as his mother was without milk and was therefore destined to die without help. After the first 3 months spent at home (he had very low immune defenses) we started taking him for a walk in halter and at the age of 4 months he did his first IAA in a class with kindergarten children. Now he often interacts with adults and children at demonstrations and events. Even now that he is one year old he is very playful and cuddly!
This donkey is no longer there but it was the beginning of a dream and it is worth remembering it, it was large in size, cross with Martina Franca, very affectionate, nice and sensitive, with a great desire to live, we recovered it all age of 21 from a difficult situation, sparing him a bad end, castrated and cared for, at 24 he was donated to the Asinelli Refuge where despite his old age problems he lived peacefully his last years in the company of other donkeys, up to age of 28.
Do you know a donkey in trouble?
Contact us! We will take care of him and take care of finding him a family or a place that suits his needs.
I nostri asini: Horus, Giulietta, Rugantino, Etrusco, Lana, Luce, Leo.
Asini Ospiti : Lady
Giulietta - asina Grigio Viterbese
Asina femmina di 5 anni, grigia pomellata, taglia media, 127 cm, di razza Grigio Viterbese. Salvata due anni fa dal macello e recuperata quest'anno, asina maestra per gli allievi.
Rugantino - asino Grigio Viterbese
Asino castrone di 5 anni, grigio, taglia media, 126 cm, di razza Grigio Viterbese super addestrato a sella alla maremmana ha cresciuto e domato 2 puledri cavalli Tolfetani, è papà di bei muli e ora si gode la vita di branco. Asino maestro per gli allievi.
Etrusco - asino Amiata
Asino castrone di 3 anni, grigio sorcino, taglia grande, 145 cm, di razza Amiata. Salvato lo scorso anno dal macello poichè aveva comportamenti difficili da gestire, una volta riequilibrato svolge attività nella nostra struttura diventando un asino maestro per gli allievi.
Lana e Luce - asine Amiata
Asine femmine di 2 anni, grigio sorcino, taglia grande, di razza Amiata. Salvate quest'anno dal macello, sono ancora nella fase di prime esperienze con l'uomo e le stiamo abituando al contatto umano.
Asino castrone di 1 anno e mezzo, baio, taglia grande. Recuperato l'anno scorso, era il classico asino monello che è diventato dolcissimo, crescerà nel nostro centro educato dal nostro branco, finchè un giorno anche lui potrà diventare un asino maestro per gli allievi e andare in contro a mille avventure.
Asina grigia di taglia piccola di 10 anni, di Michela, prima di arrivare da noi era molto ansiosa, irruente e mordeva, da quando è con noi invece è molto equilibrata e fa tante passeggiate tranquilla.
...un pezzo di cuore che se ne va...
...ecco gli amici che ci hanno lasciato dopo averci donato tanto amore...
Mula Mora
Mula taglia media figlia di mamma cavalla e papà asino, mancata quest'anno all'età di 41 anni (36 da libretto, per un errore di battitura), recuperata in montagna a luglio 2019 dopo una segnalazione di turisti.
Era magra e aggredita dagli insetti, con visibili solchi dietro le orecchie dovute a una catena con cui in passato veniva legata, con zoccoli lunghi e non curati, problemi a deambulare a causa di artrosi e una frattura al bacino e i denti non curati le creavano dolore. Appena portata al centro erano evidenti le difficoltà di deambulazione che la portavano a non alzarsi da sola e le problematiche di masticazione causate dall'incuria dei denti. Ci siamo presi cura di lei per ben 3 anni donandole serenità, vitalità e una qualità di vita superiore, finchè a marzo 2023 ci ha lasciato.
Asino maschio castrato di taglia media di 10 anni molto sveglio e veloce, è stato salvato da una brutta fine, è affettuoso e giocherellone, ama i cavalli ed è il migliore amico del cavallo Winni. Checco ci ha accompagnato nel trekking Piemonte - Valle D'Aosta da Cigliano a Pont Saint Martin di 130 km ad agosto 2017.
Asino maestro per gli allievi, mancato per un infarto a ottobre 2021, rimarrà sempre nei nostri cuori.
Questo asinello non c'è più ma è stato l'inizio di un sogno e vale la pena ricordarlo, era di taglia grande, incrocio con Ragusano, molto affettuoso, simpatico e sensibile, con molta voglia di vivere, l'abbiamo recuperato all'età di 21 anni da una situazione difficile risparmiandogli una brutta fine, castrato e curato, a 24 anni è stato donato al Rifugio degli Asinelli dove nonostante i suoi problemi di anzianità ha vissuto serenamente gli ultimi suoi anni in compagnia di altri asini, fino all'età di 28 anni.

Conosci un asino in difficoltà?
Contattaci! Ce ne prenderemo cura e ci preoccuperemo di trovargli una famiglia o un posto adatto alle sue esigenze.