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Our structure

The headquarters of Asino Felice SIFE ASD APS is a farmhouse with stables with one hectare of adjacent land, half fields and half pine forest, in this space the association has arranged the animal management areas according to the code for the protection and management of national equidae (ministry of labor, health and social policies) dividing the areas into day and night.

The center has the 24 hour presence of a stable technician and a veterinarian, the area is equipped with anti-theft alarm systems.


Life in a flock in a 2000 m2 paddock that can be divided into two, with special accommodation in Happy Paddock to promote health, movement and mental activation with the division of the enclosure into corridors and the arrangement of games.
Fences with wooden poles and thick electrified wires that ensure the containment of the animals.
Watering of the animals in tanks with always clean aqueduct water. Administration of hay on the ground spread throughout the enclosure to stimulate movement, search for food, the correct position of the neck that promotes proper digestion and avoid boredom, stress from food due to competition and colic.
Grazing in a grassy area available for all flocks depending on the period and the availability of grass, the output is regulated according to food and management needs.
Cleaning fences at least once a week with manure storage in special hygienic containers that eliminate the problem of flies, insects and parasites, further control of insects with traps for flies and traps for horseflies.

poitou pirenei trekking asini
trekking asini
poitou pirenei trekking asini

According to the code for the protection of equidae, animals must be collected in the stable at night, so we have recreated a familiar environment to adapt even animals that are not used to closed spaces.
To encourage socialization and movement even at night we have built multiple stables, where donkeys can share their place with close friends.
Some stables have concrete flooring with litter, others have ecological rubber flooring, the best solutions to promote hygiene and maximum comfort for the animals.

The cleaning of the box is carried out daily with manure storage in special hygienic containers that eliminate the problem of odors and insects.

The administration of the water takes place in automatic pressurized drinkers with clean water from the aqueduct.

There are three types of stables: stable stable, courtyard stable, outdoor stable and isolation area.

Stable stable

The stable is located inside the farmhouse and consists of two multiple stables with corridor, the area is brick with very characteristic vaulted ceilings.

The flooring is made of concrete with the best litter on the market, the air circulation is guaranteed with doors and windows protected by mosquito nets, an excellent solution for the treatment of summer dermatitis.

The two multiple stalls are separated by a strong shockproof horse-resistant cloth to unaccustom the animals from kicking and the height of the walls is designed to promote socialization between stalls.
Brick feeder slightly raised on the long side to avoid litter ingestion during hay feeding, ideal position for elderly or convalescent donkeys.

Stable courtyard

The courtyard barn is located inside the farmhouse and overlooks the courtyard, being very large it allows the bed of more individuals, the area is in masonry and has a buffer wall in resistant shockproof cloth for horses to unaccustom the animals to kick , administration of hay on the ground to promote proper digestion

Asino Felice Trekking con gli asini Lisa Mabilia
Asino Felice Trekking con gli asini Lisa Mabilia
External stable

The external barn is located behind the farmhouse and is nearing completion, it is composed of several multiple barns with waterproof, ecological and insulating equigomma flooring with recycled rubber panels to promote a soft bed, ideal for animals that ingest the litter.

The stables are divided with walls in resistant shockproof cloth for horses to unaccustom the animals from kicking and the administration of the hay is on the ground to promote proper digestion.

Veterinary stable / isolation

Veterinary area with isolation stable for newly arrived animals and for injuries / illnesses with service for administering medicines, medical care and bandages, is located behind the farmhouse and is equipped with waterproof, ecological and insulating flooring with recycled rubber panels, easy to wash and disinfect.

Impact resistant sheet walls, easy to wash and disinfect and provides for the administration of hay on the ground to promote proper digestion.


40 x 20 m clay court sheltered from the shade of the pine forest for the hottest hours.
Earth work area (square rod) 14 mx 14 m


An educational workshop for children, a rod and a mountain trail camp is under construction in 5000 square meters of douglas pine forest with a soft bottom in pine needles, for now it can be used to do exercises for the binomial, slaloom among the pines, gait between the rows or walk tests.



Next to the external stables there is a small saddlery with halters, headboards, shoes and an animal kit case

Club House

Educational room inside the farmhouse for meetings, courses, presentations

Heating and fan


Approaching the club house

Asino Felice Trekking con gli asini Lisa Mabilia
Asino Felice Trekking con gli asini Lisa Mabilia
Asino Felice Trekking con gli asini Lisa Mabilia



Scopri la nostra struttura cliccando quì
Happy Paddock

I nostri asini vivono in "Happy Paddock", una particolare gestione in stabulazione libera dove hanno a disposizione più capannine per ripararsi dalla pioggia insistente e dal sole nella stagione più calda, ciò consente all'asino di socializzare con i propri simili ed essere autonomo nelle sue necessità.

La particolarità dell' "Happy Paddock" è quella di mantenere gli asini sempre in movimento grazie a dei corridoi a serpentina che gli consentono un movimento continuo tra la zona di alimentazione e la zona di abbeverata, giovando al fisico e alla mente.

Stalle multiple ecologiche


Di notte gli asini vengono ricoverati in stalle multiple, ovvero stalle dove possono dormire in compagnia assieme ai migliori amici di branco, con pavimentazione ecologica equigomma in gomma reciclata, l'innovativo pavimento che garantisce igiene e benessere degli animali.

Le stalle sono comfortevoli e dotate di beverine e sali minerali.



I nostri asini vivono scalzi, quindi senza ferri poichè lo zoccolo è abbastanza robusto per camminare su qualsiasi superficie, questo vale anche per il cavallo!

Il nostro "Happy Paddock" consente di avere zoccoli sani e sempre pronti per le escursioni su ogni tipo di terreno e lo speciale pavimento in gomma riciclata delle stalle consente di mantenere lo zoccolo sempre asciutto e pulito.


Metodo di addestramento

I nostri asini vengono addestrati con la doma etologica, un particolare metodo di addestramento dove si instaura un rapporto di fiducia con l'animale e lo si mette nelle migliori condizioni per apprendere (l'asino non deve aver paura di noi o degli strumenti di lavoro che usiamo).

Dopo di che si potrà iniziare a insegnare all'asino le nostre richieste con tecniche che possano risultare comprensibili a lui, utilizzando una capezza leggera, una corda e un carrot stick.

Per chi ha un asino o un pony e vuole farlo addestrare o educare con questo tipo di doma legga nella sezione Attività -> Addestramento

Attrezzature per asini e non solo!


Basti, sacche per basti, sacche per selle, sottosella, sottopancia e testiere usate dal nostro centro vengono realizzati interamente a mano, li potete visualizzare nella sezione

Attività -> Attrezzature​

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