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Discover -> Online theoretical training course on donkey management and ethological training - 1st level donkey


Ours is a Social Promotion Association and Amateur Sports Association affiliated with a primary sports promotion body recognized by CONI.

It organizes, promotes and carries out activities for its associates and members, without profit.


The Italian School of Equidae Training is the only national training center for the donkey sector (in the field riding discipline) of the primary sports promotion body recognized by CONI.

He constantly trains new technicians qualified to do activities with donkeys throughout the national territory in the sports field.

Throughout the year it organizes training courses for members with Lisa Mabilia teacher, aimed at professionals in the sector, owners or simple interested parties, on the correct management of the donkey and on ethological taming. This particular training method is based on the study of equine behavior , allowing you to communicate with the donkey without coercive methods.

We are the first center in Italy to organize Parelli courses aimed exclusively at donkeys , a natural revolutionary method from America that creates a “magical” relationship between man and donkey thanks to mutual communication, with Parelli instructor Irene Greco.


It was born in the countryside of the lower Canavese area and has its operational headquarters in the municipality of Cigliano (VC) in a farmhouse dating back to 1938, bordered by a hectare of large pine forest and pastures for the shelter of donkeys recovered from difficult situations.

It is the first donkey riding school in Italy with ethological management in Happy Paddock, interactive enclosures designed to promote the movement and psychophysical well-being of animals, with multiple avant-garde stalls to ensure socialization and movement even at night, made with ecological equigomma flooring that keep our standard of animal hygiene and welfare high and with hay fed in Slowfeeder nets that simulate grazing activity, with all the benefits of the case.

With the ethological method we are able to help excessively dominant or fearful donkeys to find a new balance with their masters, making their interaction harmonious and preparing them for new experiences, such as donkey rides, donkey rides or gig rides.

Furthermore, with a view to a more natural management of agriculture and a return to origins, we train donkeys for " animal traction " and field work, especially useful for the management of small plots in mountain areas or orchards.

At the facility, our members will be able to learn to relate to a humble animal , which knows how to adapt to any situation thanks to its honest and peaceful nature. The donkey travels with a slow, sure and regular step, attentive to everything that surrounds it, giving serenity to those around it.

We also organize excursions, trekking with one or more days where you walk side by side with donkeys or in a horse-drawn carriage. A specialized guide will accompany walkers and donkeys throughout the journey, ensuring that an often unforgettable bond is created between them.

The destinations of our treks are of cultural, naturalistic (mills, castles, lakes and natural parks) and food and wine (agribioturistiche and wine companies) interest with the possibility of variations in duration, type of accommodation and place to visit depending on the needs and interests of walkers.

For children and young people who want to learn how to ride the donkey we provide technicians specialized in the sector to safely learn the basics of horse riding, with the intention of walking on donkey's back immersed in nature.

Asino Felice Trekking con gli asini Piemonte Canavese asino andaluso
Asino Felice Trekking con gli asini Lisa Mabilia piemonte canavese bambini attività onoterapia
cavallo tolfetano

Asino Felice SIFE Italian Equine Training School Amateur Sports Association and Social Promotion Association

Lisa Mabilia

Training courses for technicians - Donkey Trekking - Mounted and horse-drawn excursions - Donkey riding lessons

activities for children - donkey rides - family days - educational activities for schools and summer camps

children's birthdays and events - natural and ethological training for donkeys and ponies with gentle taming

recovery of abused, debilitated or troubled donkeys and relocation with adoptions - Parelli courses with donkey

monthly management of private donkeys and ponies in Happy Paddock - Pantesco donkey recovery in danger of extinction - online and practical courses

IAA Animal Assisted Interventions (formerly Pet Therapy) with assistant - llama and alpaca - equipment and enough for donkeys.

Strada Ronchi 16, 13043 Cigliano (VC) - 3490515738 -

Cf / VAT number 02539030029

Copyright © 2013-2021 Asino Felice SIFE ASD APS. All rights reserved.

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