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Sunday 15 December
Information day on equine osteopathy
Morning 09-12 theoretical lesson:
-what is equine osteopathy
- what an equine osteopath does
- how a horse is built and how it moves
-Horse problems inherent to osteopathy
- explanation with slides, images and bones to understand the movement of the horse / donkey
Afternoon 14-17 practical lesson:
-saddle fitting (how to recognize if our saddle is good for our horse / donkey)
- influence of the rider on the horse / donkey with practical example
-example of osteopathic treatment on the equine
Elena Oliva graduated 105/110 from the University of Parma, with a three-year degree in equine sciences and techniques
Three-year specialization in Germany in the high-level institute for equine osteopathy "Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy and Education"
Internships at Arcese Quarter Horse and Fano's Farm.
Soon updates on lunch and costs!
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